– Roar (1981) is a unique and often bizarre cinematic experience, directed by Noel Marshall and starring his wife, Tippi Hedren, and their family. The film is infamous for its extensive use of real big cats, including lions, tigers, and leopards, which led to numerous on-set injuries.

A Family Affair Gone Wild

The film’s premise revolves around a family who owns a big cat sanctuary in Africa. The story follows their efforts to protect their animals from poachers and other threats. While the plot is relatively simple, the film’s true appeal lies in its raw and often chaotic nature.

A Dangerous Stunt

Roar is notorious for its dangerous stunts, many of which involved the cast and crew working directly with large, unpredictable animals. This led to numerous injuries, including a serious attack on Tippi Hedren, which left her scarred for life. Despite the risks, the film’s creators were determined to capture authentic footage of big cats in action.

A Cult Classic

Despite its many flaws, Roar has developed a cult following over the years. Its unique blend of adventure, drama, and animal spectacle has captivated audiences, who are drawn to its raw energy and unpredictable nature. The film’s legacy is also tied to its controversial production history, which has made it a subject of fascination for many.

A Cautionary Tale

Roar serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of working with wild animals. The film’s production was fraught with accidents and near-misses, highlighting the importance of safety and respect for these powerful creatures. Despite the risks, the film remains a testament to the passion and dedication of its creators.

A Feline Odyssey

For those who are fascinated by big cats and the challenges of working with them, Roar offers a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience. While it may not be a masterpiece of filmmaking, it is a fascinating and often terrifying glimpse into the world of big cats.