– “What We Do in the Shadows” is an American comedy horror mockumentary television series created by Jemaine Clement. The series, which premiered on FX on March 27, 2019, is based on the 2014 New Zealand film of the same name. The show follows the lives of four vampire roommates living in Staten Island, New York, and their various antics and misadventures.

Characters and Plot

The main characters in “What We Do in the Shadows” include:

  • Nandor the Relentless: A self-proclaimed leader of the vampire household, Nandor is a former Ottoman warrior with outdated ideas that often lead to comedic failures.
  • Lazlo: A British vampire with a penchant for mischief and hosting extravagant parties.
  • Nadja: A strong and seductive female vampire with a tumultuous past.
  • Guillermo: A human who serves as Nandor’s familiar and aspires to become a vampire.
  • Colin Robinson: An energy vampire who feeds on human energy rather than blood.
  • Jenna: A college student and Nadja’s friend, who frequently visits the vampire household.

The series is structured as a mockumentary, with the characters being interviewed about their lives and activities. This format allows for a blend of humor and horror, as the vampires navigate their supernatural existence while dealing with mundane human problems.

Production and Reception

“What We Do in the Shadows” was developed by Jemaine Clement, who also co-wrote the original film. The series is directed by Taika Waititi and produced by FX. The show has been praised for its unique blend of comedy and horror, as well as its creative approach to the mockumentary format.

The series has received critical acclaim and has been nominated for several awards, including multiple Emmy nominations. It has also been recognized by publications like Time Magazine for its innovative storytelling and humor.

Final Season and Legacy

The show is set to conclude with its sixth and final season, which is expected to air in 2024. Despite its impending end, the series is not going out quietly, promising to deliver more of the same quirky and creative content that has made it a fan favorite.

“What We Do in the Shadows” has left a lasting impact on the television landscape, showcasing the potential of the mockumentary format in blending comedy and horror. Its unique characters and storytelling have made it a standout series in the genre, ensuring its place in the annals of television history.


“What We Do in the Shadows” is a testament to the power of creative storytelling and the enduring appeal of the vampire genre. As it prepares to conclude its run, the series leaves behind a legacy of laughter, horror, and unforgettable characters that will continue to entertain audiences for years to come.